Erin Flynn-Evans, PhD, MPHFeb 28SPRING 2024: Daylight Saving Time transition for toddlers and young childrenThis post provides information on how to adjust your toddler's sleep for the "spring ahead" time change.
Erin Flynn-Evans, PhD, MPHFeb 28SPRING 2024: Daylight Saving Time transition for babiesThis blog provides step-by-step guidance on how to adjust your baby for the 'spring ahead' time change.
Erin Flynn-Evans, PhD, MPHFeb 28It’s Magic! Using the ‘Spring Ahead’ transition to fix early wakingUse the 'spring ahead' time change to fix early waking!
Erin Flynn-Evans PhD MPHFeb 26Sleep Training 101: Camping OutDid you know that there are numerous effective sleep training approaches, including some that allow you to stay in the room with your...
Erin Flynn-Evans, PhD, MPHFeb 22Sleep Training 101: The Ferber MethodThis blog describes how to do the Ferber Method and the science behind it.
Erin Flynn-Evans PhD MPHFeb 10The Soothing Touch: Benefits of Infant Massage for Bedtime Routines and SleepInfant massage has scientific evidence to support its benefits to sleep and bonding. This blog describes how to do it.