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Meg Casano BSN MA
Jun 12, 2014
Baby Sleep Science Mini Blog: Teething
Teething gets blamed for a lot of sleep disruption. It’s almost a knee – jerk reaction by parents to explain away their child’s frequent...
Jun 6, 2014
Navigating the Mysterious World of Baby and Toddler Sleep Products: What to Buy and What to Avoid
We get a lot of questions about sleep products. There are some that are great innovations that do promote healthy sleep, but the vast...
Meg Casano BSN MA
May 14, 2014
Motor Skill Milestone Specific Sleep Regressions: Rolling, Crawling, Standing.
How to address physical milestones that can result in sleep regression including rolling, sitting, crawling, and pulling up to a stand.
May 12, 2014
Why Sleep Isn’t Easy: Response to Confused Parents
Did you see Ava Neyer’s brilliant summary of what she learned from reading sleep books (on the Today Show, the Huffington Post or read...
Meg Casano BSN MA
Apr 29, 2014
Common Sleep Disruptors: Illness, GI Issues, Medication, Teething
Be sure to talk to your child’s doctor about any medical, physical or teething concerns; this blog is not intended to be medical advice....
Apr 23, 2014
Call in the Cavalry! The Grandma Sleep Intervention
We don’t promote any single type of sleep intervention, because we really don’t believe that there is a one-size-fits-all strategy that...
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